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business model

Selling my work in person

and on a local level has proven to be my preferred way of commerce.


I very much enjoy the face to face connection with my clients.




My first incarnation as a metalsmith

was in Toronto Canada. I sold my work through galleries, museum shops and boutiques in the city and across the country. I also participated in the national shows and festivals. 

The pace and demand of my studio production process took it's toll on me.


The business model I had adopted then was:  

"the more expansion the better "


My second incarnation as a metalsmith

happened in California, where I now reside and focus on making fewer objects per year.

This has greatly increased the joy in my process and the originality of the work itself.


Since 2016 

I have also taken opportunities to organize and participate in group and solo shows in venues that have either donated their space or have asked for a very low fee.  This has allowed me and the other artists involved to donate anywhere from 10-30 percent of the revenue made at these shows to organizations that we care about as well as advocate and spread the word about these organizations and what they do.

In this way, the client, artist and venue proprietor have an opportunity to support organizations that help make a difference.


If you or someone you know would like to offer up a venue for this purpose, please contact me.






An organization that creates expressive art programs for homeless and under-served kids in the Bay Area.


Learning for Justice

An organization with the Southern Poverty Law Center that provides free teaching materials to educators (teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners) who work with kids from kindergarten to high school. The program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias.



An organization that nurtures the creative expression of individuals with disabilities as a vehicle for personal growth.


American Civil Liberties Union

An organization whose stated mission is to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the US by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.


Buddhist Global Relief

An organization that promotes hunger relief projects for underprivileged communities around the world. They also promote the education of girls and women in these communities as well as working to help women start livelihood projects.


Southern Center for Human Rights

An organization that is working for equality,justice and dignity in the criminal justice system. The center works to help marginalized groups in the Southern United States.


Beyond Differences 

Inspires students at all middle schools nationwide to end social isolation and create a culture of belonging for everyone.








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